c 1974
Auf einem IBM-Großrechner und dazugehörigem Kettendrucker durch permutative Variation der grundsätzlichen Filmparameter wie Blende, Filterung, Belichtungszeit, Brennweite und Schärfe erzeugte Filmpartitur. Sie sollte einzelnen Filmmachern wie Paul Sharits, Ernie Gehr und Tony Conrad zugeschickt werden, um ihnen als Vorlage für Filme zu dienen, in denen jeweils einer dieser Grundparameter untersucht würde. Geplant war, diese einzelnen Filme zu einem einzigen mit dem Titel "Basic Motion Picture Analysis - Part One - Camera Parameters" zu versammeln. Die hier abgebildeten Seiten dienten als Vorlage für einen Film mit dem Titel "East of No West", der 1975 in New York und Puerto Rico aufgenommen, anschließend aber nicht fertiggestellt wurde. Die einzelnen Buchstaben beziehen sich auf Örtlichkeiten, Kamerabewegungen und verwendete Filmmaterialtypen, die Zahlen auf die zeitliche Länge der jeweiligen Sequenz, und die gelbe Spur durch die Partitur auf die Parameter, die an jeweils einer dieser Örtlichkeiten variiert worden sind. Die seinerzeit aufgenommenen Bilder sind in dem Film "Verwegen den Wellen entgegen" enthalten.
A filmscript done with an IBM-mainframe and a chainprinter in 1974, generated by systematic frame-to frame-variations of F-stop, exposure-time, filtering, focal length and focus.It was planned to offer them to filmmakers like Paul Sharits, Ernie Gehr and Tony Conrad, to serve as a script for films in which each filmmakers examines a different one of those camera-parameters. The idea was to combine the films into a common one called "Basic Motion Picture Analysis - Part One - Camera Parameters." The following pages were prepared by handwritten notes to serve as a script for a film by Wyborny called "East of No West", which was shot in New York and Puerto Rico in the spring of 1975. The handwritten letters refer to specific locations, camera movements and specific filmstocks. The numbers depict the temporal length of each sequence and the track of yellow color signifies the parameter that undergoes variation in a chosen location. The film was never finished, though.
The images shot according to this script (a total of about ten minutes) were later incorporated into Wyborny's film "Courageously towards the Waves" (35 Min, 1971 - 1977), which was screened at the Collective for Living Cinema as part of a performance with the same title in 1978, reviewed by Amy Taubin: "I saw only two performances this season that really knocked me out (and this, in the supposed flowering of performance art in N.Y.). One was Dan Graham at P.S.1 and the other was Wyborny at the Collective. Wyborny's was deceptively simple, and I think, more tightly structured than it appeared. Using some Canal Street junk as a settingWyborny blew up, with a foot punp, a large inflatable raft, the sound of the footpump accompanying a tape of the Beethoven opus 111, sat in the raft, put the paddle in a bucket of water and read some poetry in German - looks ridiculous in print but was remarkable to see and particularily to hear." - Amy Taubin, Soho Weekly News New York, June 15, 1978.